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Service and Maintenance

Report it!

Your online window to service requests

Please fill out this form if you have issues, requests or repairs needed in the Taza Villages. Each reported item is sent directly to the responsible department for follow up. You may be asked to provide additional information if necessary.

When completing the form please include a detailed description about your problem and the location if necessary. Your contact information is required in case we need to follow up. Please note that public input in the form of letters, emails, etc. may become a public record and posted on the TDA website. Any derogatory comments or solicitations for business will not be responded to.

  • If you have a concern about your safety, the actions of another person, or witnessed a possible crime please call 9-1-1.
  • If you have an after-hours public works emergency or malfunctioning traffic signals, please call the Taza non-emergency line at 310-TAZA (8292)

TDA Report It Form

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